3 workouts for AFTER a race

We've spoken before about the best ways to help recover from a big race such as a half marathon & marathon. With so many people recovering from last weeks SMH half marathon (& so many OUTFIT runners doing so well) we wanted to give you 3 workouts which will let you ease back into training & also provide a bit of an insight how you're … [Read more...]

Friday Fartlek

The Swedish term fartlek, translates as ‘speed play’ and is a great workout which can challenge a range of energy systems as you vary your speeds and duration on faster & slower intervals. Typically these will be between 10s to 3mins of faster running with varied speeds & recovery… so yes almost anything goes. Of course some Fartlek are … [Read more...]

5 ways to freshen up your running for Spring

With the icy winter mornings behind us now is the perfect time to change up your training and take your running to the next level with a few simple modifications to your regular routine. Structured changes will challenge your body & force you to adapt to new training stimulus. Change the tempo. If you always run at the same pace mix it up … [Read more...]


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