Archives for August 2013

Core Exercises for Runners #2 – Runners Strength Series

The core is your power base for running. Everything moves around this. Following on from the Core Exercises for Runners #1 this 2nd core exercise set focuses on more dynamic moves (box jumps, Jacknife & Medicine ball Sit-ups) as well as advanced static moves (V-sit & side plank). Many of these exercises have variations to increase or … [Read more...]

What to eat before training

Toast, fruit, cereal, smoothies… ahhhh what do I eat before training? Sound familiar? It’s something I’m often asked and is a question many seem to struggle with. In my mind I think of a pre-training meal as a fuel top up to help get the most out of the following session… but one size doesn’t fit all! Everyone is different and different … [Read more...]

The benefits of Massage

The benefits of massage are many, but one of the most immediate is the feeling of calmness & relaxation that comes over you as soon as you lay on the table. By taking time out & separating yourself from all the distractions & commitments it is great to help reduce stress & tension. But massage can provide so much more. Here is a few … [Read more...]

Wentworth Park, Outdoor Gym Workout

If you, like most people, have generalised fitness goals of achieving better ‘overall fitness’ then everything you need is in the cheapest gym in the world – the outdoors! In response to a health conscious population, equipment and space to exercise can be accessed around Sydney’s well known parks, ovals, and beaches. OUTFIT trainers have covered … [Read more...]

Friday Fartlek

The Swedish term fartlek, translates as ‘speed play’ and is a great workout which can challenge a range of energy systems as you vary your speeds and duration on faster & slower intervals. Typically these will be between 10s to 3mins of faster running with varied speeds & recovery… so yes almost anything goes. Of course some Fartlek are … [Read more...]


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