S.M.A.R.T. Goals

You’ve probably heard all about them, but why are S.M.A.R.T. goals so effective? Whether you’re training for an event, trying to lose weight or using it for career development the S.M.A.R.T. goal framework can help you develop clear & measurable goals to give you the best chance of success.

There are many advantages to S.M.A.R.T. goal getting:

  • They are clear, identifiable & measurable goals
  • You are accountable to the timelines
  • They help you track your progress (especially bigger goals)Achieve your goals
  • They help break down big goals into attainable smaller milestones and reduce self doubt & procrastination
  • They give you direction & a sense of purpose
  • They provide motivation & foster enthusiasm to achieving your specific goal
  • They help you focus your time & energy on what’s required for your goal and not chase other unnecessary distractions
  • Achieving your goals provides a huge sense of accomplishment


What are S.M.A.R.T. goals?

S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym framework for goal setting, establishing a working

Set specific goals that are measurable. Vague goals don’t provide direction so be specific to stay on target. Celarly define the parameters of the goal so you know exactly what’s required.

Measuring your goal is key. Being accountable to specific dates & times will keep you on track & provide feedback of where you’re at with your goal. This measure will also define when you’ve achieved you goal.

Achievable (or Attainable).
Make sure the goal is realistic and possible, because if you set something too hard it will become demoralizing and you’ll soon lose interest and won’t act towards completing your goal.

Relevant (or Realistic)
Make sure the goal is relevant to your final outcome. If the goal is a short term goal or part of a larger goal (eg running a half marathon) then keep it relevant (such as finishing a 10km race). The same is useful when using S.M.A.R.T.  goals for career development or

Time based (or Timely)
Set a timeline of when you want to complete your goal. This is important to induce action. It’s a great feature of using events such as the City to Surf. The event date is set in stone & you have to be prepared by race day so you have a good time frame to work off. Short term goals on the way to your end goal should also be time based (eg running 10km non-stop by the 10th July).

Recording all of the information for your S.M.A.R.T. goals is important. Being accountable to a friend or family member (& your goal) is a powerful tool. Write down your goal, your steps to achieve it & explain to a friend;

  • How important it is to you to achieve it
  • How you’re going to achieve it, and
  • The S.M.A.R.T. parameters you’ve set yourself to help you get there.


Need help setting some goals?

After you’ve worked through the S.M.A.R.T. goal steps work backwards from your end goal and plan your approach with key milestones. Also remember to track your progress and build this into your plan. Are targetthere key measurable along the way? These will be useful points of reflection to take stock & make sure you’re on track to achieve your goal. It’s easy to  become too focused on the end goal, and lose sight of what’s required to achieve it & how important it is to us. When your motivation wanes it’s easy tempting to abandon challenging long term goals, so be smart & set short & medium term goals! Breaking down big goals into smaller more achievable steps (goals) is key to keeping you focused & motivated.

If you’d like a personalised training plan or any general advice on achieving your goal contact us.




  1. […] Link: SMART goals to help you achieve your best […]

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