What to Eat Before Training

I often get asked what to eat for breakfast before training. Or if you should eat anything at all, especially in our 6:00am running group classes. Everyone is different; some people can’t stomach an early snack while others can’t function without it. You are able to develop the ability to stomach an early meal, if you need to make the change, … [Read more...]

What to eat before training

Toast, fruit, cereal, smoothies… ahhhh what do I eat before training? Sound familiar? It’s something I’m often asked and is a question many seem to struggle with. In my mind I think of a pre-training meal as a fuel top up to help get the most out of the following session… but one size doesn’t fit all! Everyone is different and different … [Read more...]

Nutrition plans for the SMH Half-marathon

Just over a week to go until the SMH half marathon and it’s time to perfect all the little 1%’ers, such as your race pace plan and fluid intake. Unfortunately the SMH half marathon website doesn’t give the simplest instructions with the drink stations or aid stations but here is what I have worked out. Some of this is straight from the race … [Read more...]


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