Foam Rolling & Massage

Foam Rolling is quickly becoming a popular and effective tool for athletes, trainers and gym go-ers. Foam rollerThe technique uses a foam cylinder (or sphere) to help stretch out muscles, tendons, tight spots, and tightness trigger points.  This Self-Myofascial Release (SMR) works by utilising stretch reflex inhibitors within the muscle unit that decreases muscular tension. Additionally an increase in blood flow and circulation to the soft tissues allows the scar tissue and soft tissue adhesions to be broken down, helping reduce stiffness.

Why should I roll?
Symptoms such as reduced flexibility and range of motion, muscle pain or soreness, as well as Foam rollersrestricted muscle movement may be relieved with foam rolling & other SMR. Traditionally ‘hard to treat’ conditions such as shin splints, IT band syndrome can also be successfully treated with foam rolling. Runners will benefit significantly from ‘rolling’ as will general athletes & those with muscle stiffness & pain.
Many factors contribute to tight muscles & pain developing including lifestyle factors such as; poor posture, long periods of static sitting, injury or just insufficient physical activity – often leading to mobility problems.

How to roll
Start by finding an open space. Position your body with the target area on top of the foam roller. Your body weight creates the pressure that massages and releases tight spots in the fascia. You control the pressure Foam rollingby applying more or less body weight on the foam roller and using your hands and feet to offset your weight as needed. Once you start rolling a problem area, such as your ITB, you soon find precisely the area where the pain is at it’s peak and can spend additional time working through the muscle slowly, increasing mobility & releasing the muscle tension.

For any more information on foam rolling or training advice contact us or email

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