Archives for May 2013

Exercise can help prevent the Flu

Keeping fit really can help prevent you contracting the flu this winter. People who exercise regularly are less likely to get colds & flu's. A study of 1000 people, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, found that those who exercised 5 or more days/week reduced their number of sick days by 43%. Also the more active people were … [Read more...]

Nutrition plans for the SMH Half-marathon

Just over a week to go until the SMH half marathon and it’s time to perfect all the little 1%’ers, such as your race pace plan and fluid intake. Unfortunately the SMH half marathon website doesn’t give the simplest instructions with the drink stations or aid stations but here is what I have worked out. Some of this is straight from the race … [Read more...]

Top 6 tips for your first Half-marathon

The months of training building up to your first race is a big undertaking, and can be all consuming, but as the hard physical work is nearly completed the tactical & organisational elements of the race become more important. Here are 6 tips to help make your race day a memorable one for all the right reasons. 1) Dressed Rehersal. Use your … [Read more...]


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