Our Philosophy

At OUTFIT health + fitness we know the importance of exercise throughout our life. To ensure we all continue to remain active and inspired exercise needs to be fun, safe, progressive and specific to our individual needs. That is why we advocate the right exercise for your lifestyle and goals, whatever that may be. The ‘time poor executive’ has different needs to the family incorporating recreational activities into their weekly routine, or the runner coming up to a big race.

DSCF8530_resizedWe truly want to improve the health and quality of life of individuals and families. Our approach is a supportive gradual progression through exercise. Anyone can ‘flog you’ on your first session. We aim to help build your confidence in yourself and the exercises so we can progress you steadily and safely. Our trainers are experienced, friendly and supportive, with enough of the ‘tough stuff’ to make you work hard each session and challenge yourself as you become stronger, fitter and faster. Our trainers have a variety of backgrounds including marathons runners, sprinters, cyclists, martial arts, squash and football. With a wealth of dynamic exercise experiences we have you covered! Check out our trainer profiles.

We offer a variety of exercise options including personal training, boxercise classes, the blue class, OUTFIT X, running groups, Pilates classes, Yoga classes, OUTFIT Mums post-natal fitness classes and online personalised exercise programs.

At OUTFIT health + fitness, as the name suggests, we love the outdoors for our fitness training. This is a beautiful city in which we live and we’re here to encourage you to take advantage of it. Many of our group exercise classes, personal training and running groups are held in the idyllic surrounds of Sydney’s parks, bays and beaches. Not to mention our monthly activities where we could be anywhere from walking the spit to manly, mountain biking in the blue mountains or kayaking on the harbour.

Life is there to enjoy, and we’ve got it good in Sydney. Enjoy! Get out and get fit!


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