“You’re crazy!” (Lots of people’s response).
“I love it, that’s a great idea.” (Fellow crazy runners).
Turning a significant age (for a runner), 42, naturally a marathon (42.2km) would work perfectly.
In a year where running has been dominated by virtual runs, with no mass participation events, obviously the best thing to do was to organise my own event (for 1) for my birthday. I started thinking about the significant places in my life so far; my primary schools and high school, houses i’d lived in growing up or as a young adult, my pre-school, significant places I’ve worked, and places I just love running (like across the harbour bridge). After quite a few attempts I settled on a course that would take in almost all of these significant locations and some good running views.

No, I’m not going to do it every year and add a km each birthday. Like all the other marathons I’ve run I think I’ll only do it once. I really enjoyed it, but hopefully 2021 will see big events back on the calendar and I can tackle a new race or 2 next year.
How the run unfolded;
Due to some weather over the weekend I ended up running it on Wed 21st Oct, so 42yrs & 2days. A ‘sort of’ 42.2. October in Sydney is warming up with spring so I stared quite early (5:00am) to get some cooler temps but also to make sure I got the best chance of lots of sunrise hues.
It was dark early but I love the quiet streets and so many long training runs over the years have started in the dark so it felt right for my personal marathon. After about 6-7km I was at Blackwattle bay & the morning sky silhouetted the bridges beautifully. Running is an absolute pleasure in these moments. I’d picked a great morning for it. Barangaroo and running over the bridge also gave some great sunrise views as I took in Sydney Harbour at every turn. 

After a loop around lavender bay and south back over the bridge I ran Cahill Expressway around the opera house and into the botanical gardens to take it over 20km. The easy I’d at the start when everything feels good. There were so many significant landmarks for me and so many good memories I floated along… although stopped way too many times taking photos.
The halfway mark was exactly at Fleet steps, where I asked Bobbie to marry me. My other-half always in my mind when running and of course my biggest supporter. It was another perfect link that kept me smiling and I knew I was just having one of those good runs when everything just clicks.
Heading east through Woolloomooloo, Kings Cross, Rushcutters Bay and Edgecliff so many memories of workplaces, the 2000 Olympics, classic times with friends & more memories then I’d realised we’re locked away in there. It was a real trip down memory lane.
Winding through Woollahra, Centennial park, Moore park and then heading back towards home in Maroubra all the stops and a few spots in between had me reminiscing about old friends or childhood moments that shaped who I am today. It was an even more amazing run then i’d expected and it kept giving km after km.
Obviously the quietest marathon and smallest crowds i’ve ever run, but it was great to see my family late in the run, my grandparents at about 38/39km and my mum at 42, and wife just after. I run for myself but draw so much energy inspiration and support from those close to me. To all of you I thank you for all the support over the years. Even if you do think i’m a little mad.
Just for my own record…
🍎Darlington public school
🏡 Bob’s Uni digs when we first met
🎓 My Uni (Sydney Uni)
🏡 Salisbury rd Camperdown
🏡 Mallet st Camperdown
Camperdown oval
🏡 Trafalgar st Annandale 🏡
🏃🏾♂️ Blackwattle bay
Hickson rd & Barangaroo
🚗 Car with rock on it
Harbour Br approach at sunrise 🌅
Nth Sydney
🏃🏾♂️ Lavender Bay

Luna Park
Cahill Exp
Opera House
⏰ 7:00am – Botanical gardens
💍 Fleet steps
Mrs Macquaries chair
W Hotel
McElhorne Stairs
Kings Cross
🏏 Cricket field at Rushcutters Bay
The Olympics flashback & C2S runs
📚 Woollahra school
Centennial park
T20 office
ES Marks
Randwick Racecourse 🐎
Pooh Corner UNSW
👨👩👦 Harbourne rd
Souths Jnrs
Daceyville school (Nath)
Marist Bros Footy training
Snape park – Maroubra Lions
📚 Maroubra Jn school
🏡 Galvin st
📚 Maroubra Bay public school
🏡 Yorktown pde
🏡 585 Malabar rd
Maroubra Beach !!
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